Hip dips are one thing that many people, especially women, are insecure about. They aim to have a curvy, hourglass-shaped body, but these dips affect their figure.
Hip dips are just a gap between the upper and lower hip bones. Also known as violin dips, they are usually the result of your pelvis shape and can be highly stubborn.
If you’re one of them and want to know how to get rid of dip hips, you’re just in the right place. But can you actually get rid of them naturally?
To be frank, you can never completely get rid of hip dips. That's because hip dips have everything to do with your body's structure and less to do with what you're eating.
Here's a dirty little secret: every one of us is born with them since that's just how anatomy works. But luckily, you can try out some exercises to make your dips less noticeable.
Keep reading as we explain to you how to get rid of hip dips and explore some exercises to tackle your insecurity.
But What are Hip Dips?
Hip dips are the visible inward curves of the hips between your pelvis and thighs. They are seen just below each hip bone. They go by different names, including violin dips, hip divots, or hip valleys. Anatomically, they are known as trochanteric depression.
They're formed when your hip bone is situated just above your femur, which causes muscles and fat to go inwards.
Hip dips, contrary to popular belief, are neither a health concern nor a symptom of any underlying medical condition. It's merely a normal part of human anatomy.
Even though these dips give you a different body shape, there's absolutely nothing wrong with having them. Scientifically speaking, everyone is born with a femur bone and a hip bone, and the distance between these hip bones decides how the size of our dips.
What Causes Hip Dips?
Hip dips can arise when the skin on the sides of your hips is more tightly attached to the trochanter, a deeper portion of your thigh bone.
What makes certain people's hip dips more obvious is determined by the bone structure between their pelvis and femur. They're common in both women and men, but men are less likely to develop them due to their narrower hip bones.
You may have seen that some people have more noticeable hip dips than others. This is influenced by many factors, including their genetic makeup, the composition of their bones, and muscle mass.
For instance, your hip dips may be more apparent if your body fat percentage is larger since the surrounding muscle may be less toned.
Hip dips may also be more noticeable in people who have naturally wider pelvic structures. Again, it all boils down to anatomy.
Is It Possible To Get Rid Of Hip Dips?
Well, not really. Health experts claim it's impossible to get rid of hip dips entirely. But if you really want to make changes in those hip dips, you have options like targeted exercise, a balanced diet, and hip dip surgery, which is the most effective one.
Note that hip dips are a component of your bone structure; though you can improve your body shape with hip dips exercises, you can't modify your bone structure.
Your body fat percentage can contribute to the visibility of hip dips and may also result from having a higher level of muscle mass.
How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips? – 11 Exercises
The best way to get rid of hip dips is to do exercises that tone your core and fill out your hips. Most of these exercises mostly target your abs, outer and inner thighs, or butt.
If you have checked in with your overall body fat level and wish to reduce your body fat percentage, then exercise is your best bet.
Filling your hip gaps is all about gaining muscle, so make sure your body is properly nourished and ready for a workout.
Here are some of the lower body-focused sessions you can add to your daily home workout routine:
1. Squats
Squats are, without a doubt, the most effective exercise. They help strengthen the muscles in your thighs, legs, hips, and buttocks. When doing squats, maintain your back straight and your toes facing front.
While performing squats, you can hold a dumbbell in both hands, though this is optional. Squatting twice a week is recommended to get quicker results.
How to do:
- Move into a squatting position by standing with your feet slightly wider than your shoulder-width apart.
- Point your toes a little outward.
- Engage your glutes, abs, and abdominal muscles for extra support.
- Slowly bend your knees and hips together (as if you're sitting on a chair).
- Push your hips backward until your knees and calves form a 90-degree angle.
- Don't forget to keep your straight and your feet flat on the ground throughout squats.
- Come back to the starting position and do it again.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 15-30 squats for a full workout.
2. Lateral lunges
Lunges are truly a game-changer for hiding those hip dips. They are easy to do without any equipment, but you can still do them using resistance bands or dumbbells if you want to intensify your workout.
Lateral lunges, in particular, strengthen the sides of your lower body, buttocks, and inner thighs.
How to do:
- Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
- Keep your hands on your chest or waist.
- Step back with your right leg, then cross behind your left leg.
- Now, bend both knees and hold for a moment.
- Return to the same position and perform 20 reps.
- Then, switch sides and repeat the workout with your left foot forward.
- Do 3-4 lunges in a week for better results.
3. Banded lateral walks
This exercise may look a bit strange, but it is highly recommended if you want to get rid of hip dips. It helps improve hip stability and strengthen the hip abductors.
Banded lateral walks are very easy, and you should feel slightly burned while doing it.
How to do:
- Wrap the looped band directly above both of your ankles.
- Gently bend your knees and lower yourself a few inches to form an athletic posture.
- Step your left side with your left foot.
- Step your left foot toward you to bring your feet back to hip-width apart.
- Take multiple steps to the right while keeping your knees bent.
- Repeat the same for your left side.
4. Clamshells
Clamshells are another great exercise for reducing hip dips, as they keep your hips moving and strong. Not just that, they also help strengthen your gluteus medius and gluteus maximus.
If you have low energy, try this exercise. Clamshells isolate your inner thighs, activate your glutes, and increase external rotation.
How to do:
- Lay down first. Place one arm under your head and hold the yoga block with the other.
- Place one leg on top of the other to stack your knees, and make sure your hips are in the same position.
- Engage your abs muscles by pulling them inside towards your spine.
- Hold this pose for thirty seconds.
- Slowly return back to the same position.
- Switch to the other side and repeat the same.
5. Side Leg raises
Also called a side leg lift, this simple workout focuses on your glutes through hip abduction. Doing lateral raises helps you build a solid core to improve functional strength and stability. It's one of the top deep-glute exercises around.
How to do:
- Do it by lying on your side and wrapping a resistance band around your legs just above your knees.
- Keep your feet stacked and your legs straight.
- Now, lift your top leg upward while pointing your feet. (45 degree angle)
- Slowly lower your leg back to its starting position.
- Do this for 15–20 reps.
- Switch the legs and repeat the same.
6. Glute bridges
For some reason, a glute bridge exudes fitness. Perhaps it's the way your glutes have to work extra hard to keep your body in good form. Or maybe it's how your hips must be lifted using your quadriceps.
In either case, a glute bridge workout can help minimize your hip dips by toning the muscles surrounding your butt.
How to do:
- Lay on your back and lift your heels up onto the yoga mat until they are just a few centimeters away from your butt.
- Stretch your feet a little broader than shoulder-width apart, pointing outward.
- Ensure your knees are pushed outwards to engage your side glutes.
- Push your pelvis up towards the sky, keeping your upper back on the ground, and use your waist as the only source of movement.
- Squeeze your glutes when you get to the top. Try to keep them engaged during the movement.
- Come back to the same and repeat.
7. Side hip openers (Fire hydrants)
This is another killer workout that targets your hip dips. Never skip these reps, as they are great for strengthening your hip abductors, gluteal muscles, and even your core.
How to do:
- Get down on all fours with your hands at your sides and your knees bent below your hips. Similar to the cat-cow position.
- Lift your right knee out to the side while bracing your core.
- Exhale as you lift your right leg up (keeping the knee bent), forming a 90-degree angle with your left leg. Make sure to
- Inhale as you gradually lower your right leg back down. When you lift your knee again, be sure it does not touch the floor.
- Return to the starting position, and repeat.
- Do the same for your left leg.
If you want to see results faster, commit to any of the 5 to 7 routines listed here 4-6 times a week. Sure, they can seem like a lot at first, but the more you do them, the easier they will get for you!
8. Planks
Planks are exercises that target core muscles. Plank hip dips are one of the best variations. This exercise helps strengthen your back, obliques, and transverse abdominis and strains the stabilizer muscles of your shoulders.
It’s similar to push-ups but for the maximum time.
How to do:
- Simply lay on the floor with your hands directly beneath your shoulders.
- Keep your elbows bent and your feet hip-width apart.
- Now, straighten your arm to lift yourself off the floor.
- Hold the pose for a moment. You'll feel a burn in your thighs.
- Lower yourself to the ground.
- Do 10 reps for 2 to 3 sets for better results.
9. Advanced crunches
You might think crunches are useless exercise, especially when it comes to reducing your hip dips. But the truth is doing advanced crunches will strengthen your muscles and cause hypertrophy (or muscle growth) in the lower body.
It will also tone your abs and upper hips. So, there's a chance your dips' size may be less noticeable.
How to do:
- Lie on your back with your legs straight up in the air (in the 90-degree angle)
- Keep your crossed over your chest.
- Now, flex your stomach and bring your elbows to your knees.
- Return to the starting position by lowering yourself back down.
- Perform two sets of 25 reps.
10. Donkey kicks
This exercise targets your glutes (buttocks) and muscles in the back of your thighs. It’s also known as donkey rear leg raises because it’s quite similar to leg raises.
Donkey kicks can be done without any equipment. While doing this workout, ensure your back is not sagging and your glute is doing the work.
How to do:
- Begin by kneeling down on all fours like a donkey.
- Keep your back straight and parallel to the floor.
- Make sure your arms are fully extended.
- Lift your leg and push your foot right toward the top ceiling.
- Perform 15 reps with each leg for 2 to 3 sets.
11. Step-down
Step-down or step-up exercise is another workout for hip dips. It mostly works your glutes, hamstrings, quads, and hip flexors, even though other muscles are working, too.
All you need to do is grab a footstool or bench. You can also use a yoga block staircase or anything you're comfortable with.
How to do:
- Start by standing on the top of a footstool, bench, or step.
- Slowly step down with your right foot. Allow your heels to touch the floor lightly.
- Engage your glutes and core.
- Keep your torso upright throughout the workout.
- Do 10 reps on each leg.
Other Ways To Get Rid Of Hip Dips
Apart from hip dip exercises, there are other options to get rid of those dips. They are:
i). Consider Hip dips surgery:
Some people would prefer to have cosmetic surgery to “fill in” their hip dips. Hip Flips and Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBLs) are two common surgeries associated with reducing hip dips.
Both procedures involve the transfer of fat. Here, the surgeon injects and removes fat from the hip and thigh area. They then use the fat to add volume to the “dip” area to make it curvy.
Coolsculpting and fillers are also other possible surgery options. If you're really bothered with the look of those dips, you can go for it.
However, make sure to discuss this with a healthcare professional before finalizing any of the surgeries. Most importantly, do your own research.
The pelvis is the core of your body, so you have to be extra mindful of the risks that come with it.
ii). Watch your Diet
Another thing to keep in mind is your diet. You can't sit around complaining about your hip dips if your diet is messed up. You can only go so far with exercise.
So, try to eat a well-balanced diet by adding lots of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Reduce your calorie intake as much as you can and stay hydrated.
We'll say it again: While exercising to build muscle mass and lose body fat can help minimize the appearance of hip dips, it won't completely make them disappear. This is something to make peace with.
Final Words!
We covered everything on how to get rid of hip dips and explored some exercises you can add to your daily routine. Hip dip exercises don't have to be complicated.
You cannot completely get rid of those dips, but if you really want to make some changes, these exercises may help reduce the fat around them.
Do them consistently, and you'll notice a difference in your hips. Surgery is also a go-to option for those who have bigger hip dips and are extremely insecure.
Lastly, remember that this is not an issue that needs to be fixed. Some people have cellulitis; others have stretch marks or body hair—all of which are completely normal.
As a woman, you must accept your body as it is. Know that your flaws and imperfections define you!
1. Can dip hips be fixed with exercise?
Ans: Not really. Since hip dips are mostly genetic and result from the structure of your hip bones rather than excess body fat, it's very difficult to fix them with exercise.
2. What is the fastest way to get rid of hip dips?
Ans: The most effective and fastest way to get rid of hip dips is doing surgeries like fat grafting, BBL surgery, or other types of body contouring. Hip dips exercise can also help, but not entirely.
3. Is it normal for an 11-year-old to have hip dips?
Ans: Yes, it's absolutely normal for anyone to have dips, regardless of age, size, weight, and gender. They are due to pelvic bones that turn inwards.
4. Can hip dips go away naturally?
Ans: No. Since hip dips are caused by bony anatomical structures, there's no way to get rid of them naturally.
5. Do hip dips mean low body fat?
Ans: Hip dips have nothing to do with your musculature. Body fat and muscle mass can exaggerate the dips, but they're not the reason for them.
6. What body shape gets hip dips?
Ans: People of all body shapes can have hip dips since they are affected by the pelvic bone configuration. Usually, the shape of the pelvis and the size and position of certain bones determine how noticeable they are.
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