Edibles, foods infused with cannabis, have become a popular way in the US to enjoy the effects of marijuana. They have been legalized in many states over the last couple of years and are known for helping people relax, relieve pain, and much more.
Edibles deliver the same effects as smoking or vaping marijuana without the harsh effect on the lungs. That's why they are widely used around the globe. Surprisingly, edible sales have grown recently and are expected to reach $8.24 billion by 2025.
However, weed edibles are still illegal in many places, and some organizations may require you to take a drug test for employment. As such, those who use edibles – either regularly or occasionally – wonder, “How long do edibles stay in your system?”
To be honest, this is kind of a loaded question, as many factors can mean different things. First, we have to analyze if the question is to determine how long a person can expect to get high or if they want to know when they'll be able to pass a drug test.
Continue reading to discover the facts about edibles and find answers to how long edibles stay in your system.
What Are Edibles?
An edible is exactly what it sounds like some form of food like candies or baked items. They are just infused with cannabis. They have active chemical compounds called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or CBD.
Edibles are typically made by infusing oil, butter, or alcohol with cannabis. This infused mixture is then used to make food items, like baked goods, candies, chocolates, and much more.
Many folks find cannabis edibles more enjoyable than smoking. Edibles induce a psychoactive effect without needing the user to smoke or vape into the lungs. This can make them feel better and more pleasurable.
When you eat or smoke edibles containing THC, you can feel profound and instant effects. But even once those effects are gone, its metabolites remain, meaning chemical residues are still present in your body, specifically the bloodstream.
These remnants are nothing but cannabinoids, and they can be depleted in your saliva, blood, hair, and urine.
Studies have shown that the effects of an edible take up to about one hour to kick in but can last for 6 hours or more, compared to that of smoking or vaping THC, which lasts for 1-4 hours.
How does the body process the edibles?
Unlike smoking or vaping, where cannabinoids quickly enter the bloodstream through the lungs, edibles can take a more indirect route.
Edibles are generally metabolized in your liver. That is where THC enters the bloodstream and moves to your brain.
The liver subsequently converts the delta-9 THC to 11-hydroxy THC, a far more powerful chemical, which is why edible highs are significantly stronger than those that result from smoking or vaping.
Because it must be digested, there may be a 2-hour delay between ingestion and getting high, which is why most folks choose to smoke weed.
Nevertheless, some edibles like baked goods and cookies might expedite the entry of THC into the bloodstream since they melt in your mouth and are easier to digest.
When you consume edibles, you begin to feel high anywhere from ½ hour to 2 hours, and it can last up to 12 hours.
Peak highs typically occur around the 4-hour mark, though this can vary depending on a person's height, weight, and metabolism.
How Long Until Edibles Take Full Effect?
First, you will begin to feel the effects of an edible in around half an hour after taking it. The highest levels of THC in your blood are recorded between 1 to 3 hours after ingesting a marijuana edible.
On average, it takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours for the effects to be felt. As everyone's body chemistry is unique, the time it takes edibles to interact with the body varies. It also depends on the sort of edibles and how much you consume.
Here are some of the factors that affect the onset time:
- Metabolism: People who have high metabolism may experience effects sooner.
- Edible content: The concentration of the cannabinoids in the edibles also matters.
- Stomach: Those who consume edibles on an empty stomach may notice quicker absorption.
How Long Do Edibles Stay In Your System?
Moving on to the most interesting part. We'll explain in detail so you can know when you will be able to pass a drug test.
The answer to this question can be a bit complicated. That's because cannabis can show up in your system very long after its effects have worn off.
Unsurprisingly, the more edibles you take at once, the more it stays in your system. For the most part, the duration of time edibles will stay in your system is between 4 and 12 hours.
How long edibles stay in your system may depend on the following factors:
- The amount of THC concentration in the edibles
- The half-life of edible product
- The dosage and frequency of use
- Your body's metabolism rate
- Your Body Mass Index (BMI)
Here are the detection times of edibles on different systems:
- Urine: Up to 30 days
- Saliva: Up to 3 days
- Blood: Up to 4 days
- Hair: Up to 90 days
To cut it short, edibles can remain in your system for a few hours or up to 90 days.
What is the half-life of edibles?
The duration of edibles in your system is determined by many factors, particularly the half-life of marijuana. So, what's the half-life?
The term “half-life” means the time it takes for something to go through a process. To be more precise, the time it takes for half of the edible in your body to reduce by half.
Here, the exact half-life of marijuana varies according to the strain, quantity consumed, and the individual's tolerance. However, it generally ranges from 3 to 12 days.
As explained above, cannabis metabolites remain in the body for longer than inhaled THC since they take longer to be absorbed. When people consume cannabis, their THC levels fall as soon as the high passes.
Do Edibles Show Up On Drugs?
This is the most common question that many edibles users want to know. First, it's important to know that If you're consuming CBD edibles, it is unlikely that you would test positive for drugs.
Most drug tests look for high levels of THC, also known as the compound that contributes to the “drunk” feeling.
But one thing to remember is that testing positive on a drug test in no way indicates impairment. A person might not have consumed an edible for months but can still sow a failed test.
Let’s explore the types of drug tests along with detection times.
Edible Drug Tests: How Long Can Edibles Be Detected?
You might have seen different drug tests being conducted on roads and offices. Yes, edibles can be easily detected using different types of tests.
THC edibles will show up in drug screening, and the method of consumption and absorption into our bodies is unnecessary.
There are four different types of drug testing that can detect traces of edibles. Among them are:
a). Urine sample test –
This is by far the most common yet effective type of drug test. It is cost-effective, and results can be ready in as little as 10 minutes. This drug test looks for metabolites in your urine.
THC can be detected in your urine for roughly 1-30 days after marijuana consumption. However, if you are a regular user, detection may extend to approximately weeks or months.
b). Blood test –
A blood test may detect THC in blood much faster than a urine test. However, it isn't widely utilized because THC cannot be found in blood as precisely as in urine.
Blood tests can detect THC from edibles within 3 to 4 days after marijuana consumption. Again, factors such as metabolism, body weight, and fat will affect the final results.
c). Saliva swab test –
No doubt, saliva tests are quick, but they are not entirely effective. THC from edibles can be detected in your saliva within 1 to 3 days.
d). Hair follicle test –
A hair test is only used for long-term marijuana consumption.
You might be thinking you're eating or smoking marijuana, so how can you test using a hair follicle? Well, it's possible. The fact is THC remains in your hair longer than any part of your body, roughly 90 days or more.
However, this type of test is less common. Experts say that hair tests can sometimes give false results.
You may test positive for using edibles or simply being around it. That means secondhand smoke or contact with a person who has THC on them.
So, is there a way to reduce the duration of THC in your system? Yes, there are some ways. Let’s take a look at them.
How To Get Edibles Out Of Your System?
Sure, edibles can provide feelings of euphoria, but not everyone wants to be in an “altered state” or “hallucinating state” for days. It may certainly sound tricky to reduce the duration of THC in your system, but it's not impossible.
One way is using “detoxes”. There are several detoxes you'll find on the market. They include capsules or tablets, drinks, and even mouthwashes so that you can pass a saliva test.
But if your concern is related to passing a drug test, these detoxes may make your urine sample suspicious.
As discussed, much of the THC in edibles is processed by your liver, so enhancing your metabolism can help your liver flush out THC from your system faster.
Other helpful tips include:
i) Drink plenty of water and clear liquid:
Drinking 8-10 glasses of water per day or any juices will help flush out the toxins from your body, including THC. It will help dilute your urine, and you tend to urinate a lot.
This will clear out the THC. You can also take herbal tea and diuretics to help detox yourself.
ii) Eat a healthy diet:
Consuming foods high in fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins will boost your metabolism and accelerate your body's ability to store and expel THC. Include fruits, lean meats, and veggies to give your body energy for detoxification.
iii) Exercise regularly to improve your mood and physical well-being:
Since THC is stored in fat cells, frequent physical exercise can boost your metabolism and enhance your body's fat-burning rate. This promotes the clearing of THC metabolites and helps you stay in shape.
iv) Get adequate rest:
Getting enough sleep and rest allows your body to repair and regenerate, which enhances the natural cleansing pathways.
v) Take a hot, relaxing shower:
A hot shower may not help you get rid of the toxins completely, but it can help ease your physical and mental discomfort. Some people claim it helps them relax and stay calm.
vi) Avoid or limit your caffeine intake for up to 3 months
Caffeinated products can counter the sedative effects of cannabis. Moreover, this will reduce the effects on your sleep your cannabis reduction may induce.
So try to avoid coffee for at least three months to eliminate your edibles from your system.
vii) Stop using any kind of edibles for the time being.
Of course, until you stop consuming them, the detox process will not start. The longer you stay away from marijuana, the faster it will flush out from your system.
vi) Get professional treatment from experts.g
Sometimes, heavy users may need professional help to get themselves off marijuana. Even though they are not addictive, it can lead to psychological dependence.
So, if you're struggling to get off edibles, it's best to consult a healthcare expert.
Summing Up!
Hopefully, we answered your question, “How long do edibles stay in your system?” In short, edibles can stay in your system for 3 to 90 days. Besides, they can be detected for up to three days after consumption using a drug test.
Drug tests look for the presence of THC and its metabolites. Usually, a urine test is preferred because it is easiest to collect, and THC remains detectable for a longer period of time.
Saliva and blood tests also can be a little less, so if you have to take a drug test, these would be the options requiring the least amount of abstinence. But just to be on the safer side, we'd recommend you abstain for a month or more even with these.
If you're a first-time user, there's nothing to worry about because THC won't build up in your system like a heavy user. In case of any concerns, speak to a physician.
1. How long are edibles safe to eat?
Ans: Edibles have a relatively indefinite shelf life. Even though they have long expiration dates, they're safe to eat for up to one year.
2. How long do Delta 8 gummies stay in your system?
Ans: Delta 8 gummies can stay in your body for between 2 to 15 days. For occasional users, this could be around 2 to 5 days. For regular users, it might be up to 15 days.
3. How long does CBD stay in your system?
Ans: On average, CBD (Cannabidiol) stays in your system for two to five days. But for heavy and regular users, it can stay for more than ten days.
4. How many hours after eating edibles can you drive?
Ans: If you've taken more than 18 mg THC, you should wait at least 8 hours after consuming edibles before driving, biking, or doing any other risky activity. If you've consumed more than 18 mg of THC edibles, you must wait longer.
5. What does your body turn edibles into?
Ans: When THC from edibles travels through your digestive tract to your liver, it's metabolized and converted into a different form of THC called 11–Hydroxy THC (11-OH-THC).
6. What organ does edible affect?
Ans: The liver is the organ that is affected by edibles. The metabolization of THC remains consistent regardless of the edible's strain or cannabis input.
7. How fast do edibles hit on an empty stomach?
Ans: When you consume edibles on an empty stomach, you get high faster. This is because an empty stomach absorbs THC more quickly and travels faster to the brain. This results in a faster onset period – typically around 30 minutes to one hour.
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