Early Signs of Pregnancy

Every woman has a different and beautiful story of their pregnancy. Women experience various symptoms during pregnancy. The first symptom is considered to be a missed period, which may be followed by other symptoms like breast changes, frequent urination, tiredness, and nausea and vomiting (morning sickness). The tricky thing about these symptoms is that they do not necessarily mean that you are pregnant; they can also indicate other health issues. 

So, the only way to be sure is to take a pregnancy test. We are here to help you with some early signs of pregnancy that may indicate a pregnancy. Remember that everyone is different, so not everyone will experience all early pregnancy symptoms. Keep reading to learn more about the transformation that your body is about to experience. 

Does Everyone Get Early Symptoms of Pregnancy?

Every woman's body functions differently, so the symptoms and time to feel those signs of pregnancy may vary. Some women experience many symptoms, while others have only a few. A study shows that 59% of women experience symptoms in their fifth or sixth week, 71% at the end of the sixth week, and 89% in the eighth week. 

In short, some women start to sense the sign in the early stages, while others do later. Some do not realize that they are pregnant as they feel the same symptoms that they feel at the time of menstruation. Some do not experience any symptoms at all. But do not worry. Consider yourself lucky and go on with a healthy pregnancy flow. 

When Should You Test a Pregnancy Test?

When a woman gets pregnant, her body produces a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The home testing kit detects urine results and checks the presence of hCG hormone while doctors test the same hormone from the blood sample. 

However, there are chances that the home test may result negative in the first few weeks, so it is recommended to do the test after one week of your missed period. At the same time, the clinical blood testing result can provide accurate results after your missed period (1-2 days) or 6 to 8 days after ovulation.

If you are not pregnant and your period has still not arrived, consult your doctor for proper treatment suggestions. 

13 Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

When you are trying to get pregnant or are already at the early pregnancy stage, you may wonder what signs or symptoms you will face. You will indeed experience a combination of different symptoms, but not all. Below are more than a dozen possible symptoms of early pregnancy.

1. Missed Period

The first and early symptom of pregnancy is a missed period. But not all missed or delayed periods mean pregnancy. It can happen due to other health conditions, so track your period date every month. To be sure whether you are pregnant or not, take pregnancy tests after one week of your missed period. 

Your menstrual cycle prepares your body for pregnancy each month by thickening the uterine lining where a fertilized egg may implant. If you are not pregnant, the lining sheds. The thick lining remains if you are pregnant and don't get a period. 

2. Implantation Bleeding or Spotting

When the fertilized egg attaches to the uterus wall, some women may experience bleeding or spotting, which is also an early sign of pregnancy known as implantation bleeding. This process happens 6 to 12 days after the egg is fertilized or in the first trimester. As it can look like period cramps, some people mistake it for the start of their period. But only some experience this symptom. 

3. Cramping

Spotting and cramping are other signs of pregnancy. They can be confusing, as they make you feel your period is about to start. But you may be dealing with implantation cramps, which usually happen when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus. They are experienced in early pregnancy as your womb grows and lasts one to two days. 

4. Vaginal Discharge 

Besides bleeding and cramping, vaginal discharge is another common early sign faced by women. This is a milky and white discharge called leukorrhea from the vagina, which usually comes after the sperm fertilizes the egg and continues throughout the pregnancy. The vagina's wall thickening and growth of cell lining are the primary cause of vaginal discharge. If the discharge has an unpleasant odor or you experience burning and itching, it may be due to yeast or bacterial infection. In this case, You should contact your healthcare professional for better treatment.

5. Changes in Breast 

Are you feeling something different with your breasts? It can be a sign of being pregnant. Breast changes occur from the end of the first month due to the presence of estrogen and progesterone hormones as they change breast tissue to milk tissues, making the breasts heavier, fuller, swollen, or tender to the touch. 

However, the tenderness reduces as pregnancy progresses. Also, the surrounding nipple (areola) becomes darker to prepare the nipples for breastfeeding. 

6. Excessive Salivation (Sialorrhea)

Besides nausea, another sign of early pregnancy is excessive saliva production due to hormonal changes, heartburn, or certain irritants. Excessive saliva production can make you spit out, which makes your mouth taste bitter and can cause nausea and vomiting. This sign can last longer in the pregnancy period for some women. 

7. Fatigue and Exhaustion

Feeling fatigued and tired is a normal sign in the first months of pregnancy, as there are changes in your blood vessels, and the body begins to supply blood to the fetus for its growth, which requires more body power. Another reason is the production of a hormone called progesterone. So, to prevent this symptom, rest properly during your pregnancy and eat healthy and nutritious food.

8. Mood Changes

Mood changes are widespread during pregnancy due to increased estrogen and progesterone level hormones, which prepare your body to give birth and produce milk, making you sometimes laugh, cry, or be angry. These changes may also be followed by fatigue, nausea, sensitivity, or irritation. The mood swings are mainly seen in the first trimester, but it is a feeling of anxiety and stress, as well as happiness. 

9. Morning Sickness (Nausea)

Another common early sign of pregnancy is nausea or morning sickness. As the name itself suggests, it usually happens in the morning or during the day. For some, nausea is related to food cravings, while some feel sick, have an upset stomach, or feel like vomit. This symptom may start throughout the whole pregnancy. Remember to eat a healthy diet for the better development of your fetus. 

10. Frequent Urination

Another early symptom is peeing more than usual, which generally starts being noticed after 2-3 weeks after conception. When the egg begins its production or is implanted in your uterus, the hCG hormone level starts to increase along with the blood, which pushes your kidney to create more fluid and waste to filter, making you feel the need to pee again and again. In pregnancy, the uterus starts to expand, putting pressure on your bladder and resulting in more washroom trips. 

11. Changes in Basal Body Temperature

If you track your first-morning temperature using a basal body thermometer, you will notice that it is higher in pregnancy weeks than on regular days. This is due to the increased level of hormones like progesterone and estrogen. If you are not pregnant, the temperature drops during your menstruation cycle. But if you notice a high basal body temperature, it could be a sign of pregnancy. 

12. Bloating or Constipation

Gas is also a sign of early pregnancy. This is also because the level of hormones increases, which prepares your body for pregnancy, leading to bloating or constipation, which can last the whole pregnancy. The progesterone hormone increases in the entire body, including the ding, which swells women's bodies. This makes doing gut work slow, so it takes the nutrients from your eaten food and pushes them to, causing gas or constipation.

13. Food Cravings

Another symptom is food cravings. Some women start craving foods they have never eaten, and some start to dislike their favorite foods. Pregnant women often start craving healthy foods like dairy ducts and sometimes report a metallic taste in their mouth. These food changes occur due to the initial development of estrogen hormones in the first trimester. So, if a woman starts craving something salty, spicy, or sour, it can be a sign of pregnancy.

Additional Symptoms of Pregnancy

Above are some early pregnancy signs, but there are other symptoms pregnant women can experience in the early stages. The sign includes: 

  • Acne: Pimples arise from increased hormone levels. More blood vessels make oil glands more active, resulting in pimples or acne. Some women get a clear appearance, while some experience acne skin. 
  • Heartburn: That burning sensation or indigestion, also called acid reflux, usually happens because of hormonal changes in the baby's development. During pregnancy, hormones relax the valve between the stomach and the esophagus, making stomach acid to cause heartburn. By making changes to your diet and lifestyle, it can be handled. 
  • Weight Gain: Weight gain is a common early symptom of pregnancy. It usually begins near the end of the first trimester—your blood amount increases in the first trimester to supply nutrients to the baby. The expected weight gain in the first three months varies from woman to woman but is generally between zero and five pounds.
  • Nasal Congestion: Due to hormonal changes, many symptoms arise, including a running nose, which is usually experienced in the third trimester. Your mucous membranes become more sensitive and respond quickly, swelling or bleeding. 
  • Headaches: Many women also experience headaches in the first trimester of pregnancy caused by stress, severe tiredness, and increased hormones and blood volume.

How Do You Know If You Are Pregnant?

As stated above, if a woman is pregnant, the hCG hormone starts to be produced. Using a home pregnancy kit, you can test your results. It is advised to try after one week of your missed period. However you can also test in the early days, but the result may come back negative due to the small amount of hCG in your urine. 

If your test is positive, you can visit your medical professional to become more sure and for further treatment. If your result is negative, there can be other health issues due to which your period has become late. Visit your doctor, and they will guide you to better treatment. 


As every pregnancy is special, every woman undergoes different or similar early pregnancy signs. Some signs are similar to missing your period, like spotting or cramping. Some are feeling tired, nausea, and more. These symptoms are experienced due to increased hormones and blood vessels to prepare the body to give birth to a child and develop the fetus. 

However, not all symptoms of pregnancy are definitive, as they can also indicate underlying health conditions. So, it's better to take a pregnancy home test and, depending on your negative and positive results, then consult your doctor. Also, remember to be kind to yourself during pregnancy and visit your doctor if you are unsure of symptoms. 


1. When do you undergo pregnancy signs?

Ans: Some women undergo symptoms 1-2 weeks after conception, while some at 4-5 weeks. However, some women only notice once their period is noticeably late. 

2. How does a lower stomach feel in early pregnancy?

Ans: The lower belly may feel tight because of digestive changes. As your uterus starts to expand, your intestines move upward, which can also cause gas and constipation.  

3. Does the private section feel pain in early pregnancy?

Ans: Yes, women may feel vaginal pressure or heaviness around the vagina in any trimester, first, second and third trimesters, due to hormonal changes and weight gain. 

4. What can lead to a miscarriage?

Ans: Various factors, including severe diabetes, infections, significant injuries, and abnormalities in the uterus, can lead to miscarriage. Also, a miscarriage that occurs after three months of pregnancy may be caused by uterus abnormalities.

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Oliver Nelson

Oliver Nelson is a New York based Health Specialist Writer who completed his graduation from Syracuse University back in 2015. His writings were published in the top Healthcare brands in the United States.

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