how to get rid of forehead acne

Healthy skin is an integral part of overall well-being. It is important to maintain healthy skin to ensure the physical wellness of the body. However, skincare extends beyond health and has ornamental value in society.

There is a heavy emphasis on physical beauty and presentation in the modern world. Healthy, clear, and glowing skin is seen as a marker of a presentable personality per conventional beauty norms. This has resulted in skincare having a wider impact on life beyond health.

Dealing with skin issues like acne can lead to low self-esteem and may cause you to lose confidence. This can affect your mental health and your demeanor in your personal and professional life. 

Several treatments exist to help achieve healthier skin, but loving yourself without seeking society’s validation is important. Loving yourself and having a confident outlook can make you far more attractive than flawless skin.

This article aims to help you deal with forehead acne.

What is acne? How is it caused?

Acne, sometimes known as acne vulgaris, is a potentially chronic skin condition affecting people across ages, genders, and skin types. It is characterized by the formation of blemishes on the skin in the form of pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads.

Acne occurs in skin pores when the hair follicles get clogged with impurities, oil, and bacteria.

The condition generally occurs due to a combination of factors that involves an overproduction of oil by the skin’s sebaceous glands and the excessive proliferation of bacteria in these pores. 

Hormonal changes occurring due to puberty and menstruation are often associated with acne outbreaks.

Plugs can form due to the clogging of hair follicles with dead skin and sebum. The forehead is especially prone to acne due to its tendency to accumulate oil through touch and from hair products.

There is excessive production of sebum, in general, in the forehead and nose region. Coupled with the potential greasiness caused by hair products, the forehead is a common site for acne to occur.

Treatments to get rid of forehead acne

If you are already suffering from acne with a bout of symptoms like blackheads, pimples, and whiteheads, it is imperative that you consider treatment options.

Some of the treatment options for forehead acne that are backed by professionals are:

Benzoyl peroxide

It is the most commonly prescribed medication to treat acne. Benzoyl peroxide is a chemical compound with multiple benefits that make it a strong choice to treat acne.

This anti-bacterial can kill acne-causing bacteria that live on your skin. It is also anti-inflammatory and helps rapidly repair skin tissue.

Benzoyl peroxide works by drying out the acne lesions and removing any excess sebum that builds up in them. It is also effective in clearing out dead skin build-up, leaving you with fresh acne-free skin.

Salicylic acid

Salicylic acid is an organic compound that is highly effective in treating acne symptoms like blackheads and whiteheads. It is readily available and integrated into skincare products like cleansers.

It combats acne by unclogging the pores and releasing impurities within. It is effective in breaking down excess sebum in the skin, and regular use leads to reduced sebum production in the skin.

Azelaic acid

Azelaic acid is an organic compound that is effective in treating a number of skin conditions, including acne. It’s a dicarboxylic acid that is gentle on the skin and can be used by people with all skin types.

It is effective in killing bacteria in the pores that cause acne and also works to bleach the skin to reduce hyperpigmentation caused by blackheads and whiteheads. It is also a gentle exfoliant that can remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin.


Retinoids are chemical compounds that are effective in regulating epithelial cell growth. They are available as an active ingredient in several prescription medicines used to treat acne.

They are effective in inducing the production of new skin cells, which helps unclog pores and remove impurities and dead skin. Retinoids are also effective in reducing hyperpigmentation caused by acne lesions.


Certain bacteria are the main culprit that causes acne on the forehead. Using antibiotics can get rid of such bacteria.

However, regular use of antibiotics can lead to developing resistance, rendering them useless. Periodic use is recommended to keep bacteria in check while avoiding developing resistance.

Chemical peel treatment

These are custom-made peels developed by dermatologists in line with the severity of your acne and skin type. This is extremely effective in treating acne and reducing scarring.

Anti-androgen agent

Blocking androgen hormone receptors in the body can help control the production of oils from the sebaceous cells. This can lead to lesser skin oil and can stop the pores from getting clogged. This can be achieved using anti-androgen agents like flutamide.

Oral contraceptives

This is a treatment method that is sometimes prescribed to women. Certain contraceptives can act as anti-androgen agents and can block the reception of the hormone. This can help reduce sebum levels on the skin and help reduce acne lesions.


When used in combination with other treatments, steaming your face with hot water can speed up the process of getting rid of acne. Steam can open up your pores and help clear the impurities within.

Furthermore, other treatments might be more effective once the pores are opened up by steam.

The heat also dilates the skin tissues increasing the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the skin. This can help the skin repair itself and support overall skin health.

Face masks

Some traditional homemade face masks can help reduce symptoms of acne. Egg white masks, in particular, are effective in cleaning pores and closing them to avoid further sebum build-up and are recommended as a post-care for treatments.

Similarly, aloe vera gel is known for its anti-bacterial properties and can also reduce inflammation caused due to acne.

Other ingredients like green tea extract can help reduce overall oil production in the face leading to fewer cases of acne. Similarly, dabbing small amounts of diluted apple cider vinegar and lemon juice can help treat pigmentation caused due to acne.

How to prevent forehead acne?

Forehead Acne

Once you have successfully treated your acne, it is important to take steps to prevent future outbreaks. This can be done by making certain changes to your diet and skin-care routine.

Some of these preventive measures are:

Dietary changes:

Reduce Sugar

Foods with a high Glycemic Index (GI) are associated with the occurrence of acne. These types of foods increase blood glucose levels which can lead to an acne flare-up. This is because bacteria love sugar and thrive in an environment rich in sugar.

Eliminating such high-sugar food from your diet can prevent acne from reoccurring and lead to overall improved health.

Reduce dairy

Diets high in dairy have been linked to acne outbreaks. This is thought to be due to the presence of sugars like lactose in dairy products. It is, therefore, advisable to reduce dairy intake to prevent further acne outbreaks.

Add vitamins A and D

Vitamins A and D are essential nutrients that are especially helpful in preventing the occurrence of acne. Vitamin D is extremely effective in reducing inflammation and killing acne-causing bacteria.

It also boosts immunity and reduces oil production. Vitamin D can be added to the diet by incorporating food like salmon, red meat, egg yolks, and mushrooms.

Vitamin A is equally effective in strengthening your immune system and is a strong anti-oxidant that can speed up skin repair and the production of new skin cells. Vitamin A is found in cheese, eggs, salmon, tomatoes, leafy green vegetables, and bell peppers.

Add Omega-3s

Omega-3s are healthy fatty acids that can help control oil production in the skin. A regular addition to the diet can reduce the amount of sebum accumulated in the pores and prevent acne from occurring.

Flaxseeds, chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, cod, and sardines are good dietary sources of omega-3.

General Guidelines:

Use gentle cleanser

Using gentle cleaners can help avoid skin irritation and the formation of blackheads and whiteheads. Using a heavy cleanser can dry out your skin too much and can result in excessive oil production as a result.

Similarly, cream-based cleansers can be heavy and might block pores. Use a lightweight cleanser that is mild and effective in clearing oil.

Wash your face twice a day

It is important to wash your face regularly to avoid the accumulation of oils and other impurities on the skin.

Without regular cleansing, such impurities and oils begin clogging your pores and can lead to another acne outbreak. It is recommended to cleanse your face twice a day using a mild cleanser.

If performing physical activity involving sweat, it is recommended that you cleanse immediately after. However, washing your face too much can strip your skin of natural oils leading to excess oil production and acne. Therefore, moderation is the key.


Exfoliating your skin helps unclog pores and get rid of dead skin build-up on the skin's surface. This helps ensure pores don’t get clogged with impurities, preventing further cases of acne.

Exfoliating once or twice per week is optimal. However, it is better to avoid exfoliating when there are active symptoms of acne, like blackheads and pimples, as exfoliation can cause such build-ups to pop, causing the further spread of acne.

Avoid skin irritating or oily products

Certain products can leave your skin excessively greasy and irritated. Heavy products based on oils and creams can clog your pores and trap sebum within.

Greasy products like hair gels can cause excessive greasiness in the forehead leading to acne. It is advisable to use lighter, water-based products that are easily absorbed into your skin and hair.

Don’t touch your forehead

Touching your forehead often can transfer dirt, oil, and bacteria from your hands to your forehead. This can lead to the re-occurrence of acne and must be avoided.

Keep pillowcases and bedsheets clean

Pillowcases and bedsheets accumulate a large amount of dead skin, sebum, dandruff, and dirt from our hair and skin when we sleep. This can make them a breeding ground for bacteria and facilitate the further spread of acne.

It is important to change your sheets regularly to avoid acne occurring this way.

Wash hair regularly

Acne, especially on the forehead, is heavily influenced by the condition of hair and scalp. Regularly washing hair can help avoid oil and dirt build-up in the scalp that can seep into the forehead and face.

It is especially important to combat and eradicates dandruff as it can cause excessive greasiness in the forehead.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is a natural way of avoiding oil-build in the skin. Drinking plenty of fluids like water helps dilute skin oils and keep skin supple, avoiding clogging of pores.

Staying hydrated has further benefits for skin and overall health. It is advisable that you always consume adequate amounts of water.


Dealing with acne for a long period can leave you with low self-esteem and confidence. These treatment options can help you get rid of forehead acne. Following the preventive guidelines can help you avoid acne in the future as well.

It is advisable that you consult your dermatologist to understand the root cause of your acne and choose a treatment option based on cause, severity, and skin type. Getting rid of acne can help you regain your confidence, which is sure to impact other areas of your life positively.


Q1). What causes acne on the forehead?

Ans) Forehead acne is caused when hair follicles are clogged by bacteria, excess sebum, and impurities. It can be triggered by hormonal changes due to menstruation or puberty. The forehead is especially susceptible to acne due to exposure to oils and impurities from hands and hair.

Q2). Is it safe to pop acne?

Ans) Popping acne is not a good option as it can push the bacteria or pus deeper into the skin leading to inflammation. It can also spread acne further if it infects other pores. The scars left behind by acne can take a long time to disappear and may also cause hyperpigmentation. Therefore, it is not advisable to pop your pimples.

Q3). Does scrubbing the face help reduce acne?

Ans) Scrubbing your face can help prevent acne but can worsen active acne. Scrubbing helps exfoliate skin and gets rid of dead skin while unclogging the pores. This helps prevent acne. However, when you have active acne, scrubbing can be harsh and cause acne to pop and spread, worsening the condition.

Q4). What are some simple home remedies to treat acne?

Ans) Mild cases of acne can be treated using certain home remedies. Steaming your face is a good option to add to any acne treatment as it makes the treatment more effective. Other options include homemade face masks containing ingredients like aloe vera, lemon, egg whites, and Fuller’s Earth. These ingredients have anti-microbial properties and can be effective in treating acne.

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Oliver Nelson

Oliver Nelson is a New York based Health Specialist Writer who completed his graduation from Syracuse University back in 2015. His writings were published in the top Healthcare brands in the United States.

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