If you notice a bad smell from your urine, you may be worried that it might be an early sign of cancer.
But, it can be an indication of other health conditions, such as Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) or Sexually Transmitted infections (STIs).
The bad smell in the urine can be caused due to various factors like a person's medical conditions and food habits.
Smelly urine can also be a sign of infection, and if the smell lasts long and doesn’t go away by itself, consult a doctor.
In this article, we will discuss possible causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and treatments for foul-smelling urine.
What causes foul-smelling urine?
Kidneys filter the waste and remove them in the form of urine. If you take enough water, it dilutes sufficiently and doesn’t produce much odor in the urine. If your body doesn’t have enough water content or fluids it may lead to a foul smell in the urine.
Other factors that affect urine smell include certain health conditions, medication, food habits, liquids, and supplements.
Not drinking enough water or fluids are the common factors that cause a foul smell in the urine. When you're dehydrated your urine may smell of sulfur or ammonia. Urine contains chemicals and byproducts that produce a bad smell if not diluted adequately.
Diabetes medications can cause smelly urine. It is because of the excess glucose circulating through the blood and urine. Sometimes it produces a sweet or fruity-like smell, this is caused due to too much presence of sugar in the urine.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
Urinary Tract Infection happens when bacteria enter your urinary tract, kidneys, bladder, or urethra. UTI causes pain during urination, increased urge to urinate, and sometimes you can have blood in the urine.
Bacterial infections, namely Aerococcus urinae, cause a strong urine smell with or without any signs. Generally, UTIs heal quickly with antibiotics, if it doesn’t work, it is advisable to seek medical help.
Bacterial Vaginosis
Vaginal infections such as bacterial vaginosis cause a fishy smell due to vaginal fluid discharge during urination.
Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by a parasite that can significantly contribute to foul-smelling urine.
Eating food that converts into sulfur compounds in the body can possibly make your urine smell bad. This smell is generally compared to rotten cabbage or eggs. Vegetables such as asparagus, onion, and garlic can also cause a bad smell in urine.
Medicines and supplements
Sometimes, medicines can also contribute to the bad odor in urine. Medications such as sulfa drugs and vitamin B supplements cause a sulfur smell in the urine.
How to prevent foul-smelling urine?
You can avoid foul-smelling urine by:
- Drinking adequate water or taking more fluids.
- Avoid eating foods that cause bad odor, especially asparagus.
- Use the washroom if the urine urge strikes.
- Manage chronic health conditions such as diabetes with the help of your doctor.
- Switch to supplements, if high levels of thiamin or choline are causing a bad smell in the urine.
Moreover, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding alcohol will help keep the liver healthy and eliminate the bad odor.
Diagnosis for foul-smelling urine
The doctor will ask you about your lifestyle factors, any changes in your health recently, and when you begin to have a foul smell in your urine. The doctor may also do a urine culture check for bacteria and other signs of infection.
If the odor is due to a poor diet, the doctor might diagnose based on symptoms.
In certain cases, the doctor might suggest imaging scans Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) of the urinary tract or kidneys. Some people may also require blood work to look for other underlying health conditions.
When to see a doctor?
If you notice a sudden change in your urine smell, you must visit a doctor. A sweet or fruity-like smell is an early sign of diabetes, therefore take immediate medical help to assess the symptoms and get treatment.
However, a bad smell in the urine usually goes away on its own, especially when dehydration or diet are the primary contributors to it.
Other causes require medical treatment. While UTI generally doesn't cause any harm, it can progress and potentially cause some severe health conditions, including kidney infections. With early detection, a person can avoid possible health risks.
Some people with UTIs have no symptoms, consult a doctor if the odor lasts longer than a few days.
If people with chronic health conditions feel that their urine smell is changing, then it's better to consult a doctor and act accordingly.
Foul-smelling urine is not necessarily a sign of cancer. The food you eat can also be responsible for the foul-smelling urine, and it also indicates other underlying health conditions such as Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).
Although the foul smell is not a sign of cancer, studies have shown that cancer has a specific smell.
However, if there is no specific or clear cause- such as asparagus, medications or supplements, or dehydration consider seeing your healthcare provider.
1. What makes urine smell so bad?
Ans: Not drinking enough water or fluids is the common factor that causes a foul smell in the urine. When you're dehydrated your urine may smell of sulfur or ammonia. Urine contains chemicals and byproducts that produce a bad smell if not diluted adequately.
2. How do you stop your urine from smelling?
Ans: You can avoid foul-smelling urine by:
- Drinking adequate water or taking more fluids
- Avoid eating foods that cause bad odor, especially asparagus
- Use the washroom when you have the urge to urinate
- Manage chronic health conditions such as diabetes with the help of your doctor
- Switch to supplements, if high levels of thiamin or choline are causing a bad smell in the urine.
3. How can I clean my bladder naturally?
Ans: Drink lots of water to remove any bacteria. However, don't overdo it. Drinking six to eight glasses of water daily.
4. What color is healthy urine?
Ans: Normally the natural urine color may range from clear to pale yellow. However, eating certain foods and taking medication can possibly change the color of the urine into pink or red.
5. Does strong-smelling urine mean UTI?
Ans: Strong or foul-smelling urine can be a sign of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). Other symptoms can be a constant urge to urinate, a burning sensation during urination, and or cloudy urine. The foul smell might be the only symptom of UTI.
6. Does liver disease cause foul-smelling urine?
Ans: Certain metabolic disorders and liver diseases cause foul-smelling urine. Other conditions that can contribute to bad-smelling urine are bladder fistula and bladder infection.
7. What does diabetic urine smell like?
Ans: Diabetes medications can cause smelly urine. The urine smells sweet or fruity, it is because of the excess glucose circulating through the blood and urine.
8. What are the dangers of urine smell?
Ans: Generally, foul-smelling urine does not cause any harm. However, strong-smelling ammonia can be irritating to the lungs, throat, and eyes. Get it checked if you are concerned about your bad-smelling urine.
9. Does kidney disease cause urine smell?
Ans: Kidney disease produces chemicals in the urine that become concentrated and lead to a strong smell resembling ammonia.
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